Here comes my 2nd pandemic plastic model build .. 


Lately I've just had a thought ..   instead of putting all my robots at home collecting dusts ..  why not have them finished properly and sent out to friend and hoping each of them can have my works in their spaces ..    

my goal is to send out most of my 1/100 gundams so i can focus on the 1/144 stuffs from now on as they are just brillent ..    Starting first ..  let's get the 90-2k classic , endless waltz death scythe .. 

my plan is to have a black robot (semi-gloss) with bit shiny evil wings ... 

here's a wip with a few layers of coats ..  

this is about 70% of glossyness i'd like to get ..   i'll be happy if i can archive 90% which I did .. .   but sadly putting masking tape before the final coat is totally cured had left some ugly disguting mark on the shiny surface ..  i had to sand the whole thing again and I just ran out of my last can of glossy clear ...     

nomatter how experienced I call myself ..   incident like this is still embarassing ..   please be patient and wait for at least a day for your final glossy coat ... .    please ... 

anyways ..  need to wait for few more days to pickup my clear coats ..   this one should be done in about a week .. 


semi-gloss alo the way ...      no all matte robots from now one ..  lol